Muslim Students
At No Cost To You


Student Scholarships


Awarded in Arizona


Schools Supported

To further the education of Muslim students in Arizona by providing scholarships to low income, disabled, and displaced private school students.

Our Mission

Whether you own a medical practice, law office, restaurant, software company, or any other kind of business, you can support Muslim students with scholarships at NO COST to you.

Redirect up to your entire 100% corporate state taxes to a cause you care about and save dollar for dollar on your state taxes.

Do you own a business?

Choose Where Your Taxes Go

Help students in need and support Islamic education by redirecting your state income taxes to a cause you care about through an individual tax credit donation and save dollar for dollar on your state income taxes.

Are you enrolled in a private school in Arizona? Apply for a scholarship through Greater Arizona. We provide complete and total support through the scholarship application process. We exist as an organization to serve you!

Apply for a Scholarship